2 Comments on “>Thuet’s hands did not touch my quiche”

  1. Chef Thuet
    >My hands DID touch your Quiche, and most of the pastries and many of the breads.. No I cannot cook everything and we have staff that come in and help so we can supply our three stores and many other clients but I am at our production kitchen at 5:30am every day producing the product we send to our stores. Next time you are in Toronto walk the other way to out Petite Thuet at 244 King St East and if you look through the swinging doors you will see me in the back making a quiche or a tarte tatin or rolling croisants.. If you want we can even make a Quiche together if you have some time!

    Check out our photo gallery from last month.. as I am making Quiche, bread and other goodies: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=34519&id=137478812968393&l=7efbc98ca2

    PS I will talk to the boy at 1 King about heating up the food.
  2. Lynn Ogryzlo
    >Wow, I'm amazed at the power of social media and even more astonished I'm actually hearing from you - Chef Thuet! Did you mean what you said - that I could cook with you? I am a writer for traditional media - newspaper and magazines, so if we we do this, I'll write a story - I may even be able to bring a photographer.

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